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今天要和大家分享的是我是如何利用AIGC为李白的《静夜思》配了一张插图。首先我想到的,是先让ChatGPT以诗为基础帮我生成一幅画的描述。于是,我用如下的问题问了ChatGPT:请用英语描绘一幅图画,画中描绘的是床前明月光,疑是地上霜,举头望明月,低头思故乡的场景。我得到了ChatGPT如下一长串的回复后,直接拷贝到Midjounery中作为提示语看看能生成什么图片。(要补充说明一点是,对于床前明月光的“床”的含义是有异议的,有坐卧的器具、井台、井栏、窗的通假字、胡床等不同解释。对于我自己的这个小练习来说,还是用字面的简单意思来解释成普通的床吧。)The painting depicts a serene night scene with a moonlit sky and a sense of longing for ones homeland. In the center of the composition, a cozy bed is situated under a window, where a stream of soft moonlight filters through the curtains. The room is bathed in a gentle, ethereal glow, creating a tranquil ambiance. The moonlight spills onto the floor, creating an illusion of frost or a thin layer of glistening dew, adding to the mystique of the scene. In the foreground, a figure is positioned at the side of the bed, their head slightly raised, gazing out of the window towards the radiant moon. Their face reflects a mix of wonder and melancholy, as if the moons brilliance triggers a flood of nostalgic memories and a longing for their distant homeland. The moon hangs prominently in the night sky, casting its soft, silver light over the landscape. Its luminous glow creates an enchanting contrast against the dark hues of the surrounding scenery. Stars twinkle delicately, adding to the celestial beauty of the night. The moon becomes a focal point, capturing the viewers attention and invoking a sense of introspection and longing. The background features a distant landscape, perhaps the outline of rolling hills or a glimpse of a familiar countryside. The simplicity of the landscape serves to enhance the viewers connection to the figures sentiment of longing and yearning for their homeland. The absence of any bustling cityscape or signs of modernity allows the viewer to focus solely on the emotions evoked by the moonlit night.The painting encapsulates the emotions of nostalgia, longing, and introspection. It invites viewers to contemplate the beauty of the moon, its ability to stir deep emotions and memories. Through the portrayal of the figures posture and expression, the artist conveys the universal human experience of longing for ones roots, the longing for a place called home. Overall, the painting captures the profound connection between the moon, nature, and human emotions, inviting viewers to reflect on their own sense of longing and their connection to the moonlit night and their homeland.Midjournery生成的是如下的图片:接下来就需要分析一下,可以看到AI生成图片的大致场景和诗是对应的。但最主要的两个问题是:1、年代问题:图片是偏现代场景而不是古代,中国古诗最好应该是配中国古代的场景。
2、没有人出现:虽然在提示语中的黄色背景部分提到了人,但没有在画中显示,说明提示词还需要进一步明确和强调人的存在。经过几次调整后,我用如下的提示语解决了如上的两个问题。提示语中绿色背景部分是和之前提示语主要不同的地方:The painting depicts a serene night scene with a moonlit sky and a sense of longing for ones homeland in Tang Dynasty. A Tang Dynasty young man stands by the bed, his head slightly raised, wearing a black gauze hat, gazing out of the window towards the radiant moon.His face reflects a mix of wonder and melancholy, as if the moons brilliance triggers a flood of nostalgic memories and a longing for their distant homeland. In the center of the composition, a cozy bed is situated under a window, where a stream of soft moonlight filters through the curtains. The room is bathed in a gentle, ethereal glow, creating a tranquil ambiance. The moonlight spills onto the floor, creating an illusion of frost or a thin layer of glistening dew, adding to the mystique of the scene. The moon hangs prominently in the night sky, casting its soft, silver light over the landscape. Its luminous glow creates an enchanting contrast against the dark hues of the surrounding scenery. Stars twinkle delicately, adding to the celestial beauty of the night. The moon becomes a focal point, capturing the viewers attention and invoking a sense of introspection and longing. The background features a distant landscape, perhaps the outline of rolling hills or a glimpse of a familiar countryside. The simplicity of the landscape serves to enhance the viewers connection to the figures sentiment of longing and yearning for their homeland. The absence of any bustling cityscape or signs of modernity allows the viewer to focus solely on the emotions evoked by the moonlit night. The paintingencapsulates the emotions of nostalgia, longing, and introspection. It invites viewers to contemplate the beauty of the moon, its ability to stir deep emotions and memories. Through the portrayal of the figures posture and expression, the artist conveys the universal human experience of longing for ones roots, the longing for a place called home. Overall, the painting captures the profound connection between the moon, nature, and human emotions, inviting viewers to reflect on their own sense of longing and their connection to the moonlit night and their homeland.绿色背景部分的提示词主要是用于:1、两次强调是唐朝。2、把和人有关的描述往前调整并更直接地明确。3、提示了要戴黑帽子经过这几个简单的调整后就得到了如下的图:感觉已经基本出来了,我觉得上图中的第三张和我想要的结果更贴近些,于是再让AI生成了如下四张相似的图供我选择:最终我选择了第二张作为成品。虽然不能说完美,但能用AI生成这样的图我觉得已经很不错了。通过这次小练习,我对于AIGC绘图有如下心得分享:1、ChatGPT和Midjourney的配合可以比较方便地在短时间内初步生成自己想要的画面。2、提示词调整非常关键,关键的提示词对了就基本可以生成感觉靠谱的画面。3、用AIGC作图时,想要让AI完全按照自己的意愿用提示词对画面里的内容进行精确调整,难度是极高的,基本上大致意思差不多就可以了。最后再给大家Show一个彩蛋,大家能猜出如下的图是用什么诗句生成的吗?欢迎留言,如果猜对了我暂时不会放出留言,最后统一放出,看有多少朋友能猜对!由于公众号平台更改了推送规则,如不想错过深蓝君的原创分享,觉得文章不错时,记得“转发”、“点赞”或“在看”,这样每次新文章推送,您都会第一时间收到!